Pharmaceutical Freeze Dryers

Freeze Dry Pharmaceuticals, Biologics, and Diagnostic Kits

Freeze drying is widely use in pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries, to extend products shelf life and preserve their biological activity. The technique dry products by freezing them first, and then place them into an airtight chamber to enable the solid ice in products to sublimate, moistures are removed without passing through the liquid phase (based on water melting point).

Vikumer’s FDL-TP series freeze dryers are designed especially for commercial and industrial large production of pharmaceutical products. Products can be dried in trays, vials, microtubes and other containers, the hydraulic stoppering device capable of capping them under vacuum environment.

The FDL-TP freeze drying machine is designed and manufactured modularly which enable flexibly configure as per needs, such as CIP, SIP, redundant system, SCADA package etc. Vikumer provides standard factory models with CIP, and GMP compliant models with CIP/SIP.

From Pilot to Industrial Scale, Various Applications

The FDL-TP freeze dryers provide standard factory models with CIP, and GMP compliant models with CIP/SIP. Shelf area up to 40.5m2, ice condenser capacity up to 400Kgs/24Hrs. All models have the similar technical performance and control interface, so that you can quick familiar with another FDL-TP without repeat the learning process.

The FDL-TP lyophilizer can process vaccines, reagents, antibiotics, penicillin, blood plasma, enzymes, hormones, viruses, and bacteria etc.

Pharmaceutical Freeze Dryer

Standard models with CIP, shelf area up to 40.5m2, modular sub-systems, flexibly configure.

GMP Pharmaceutical Freeze Dryer

cGMP compliant models with CIP&SIP, shelf area up to 40.5m2, modular sub-systems, flexibly configure.